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    How to prevent cracked feet in winter.

    Many people get cracked feet in winter. So everyone has to take care of their feet more or less separately. Cracked feet are a painful and embarrassing problem. Many people are dehydrated due to drinking less water in winter. Moreover, the humidity in the air is low in winter. Also, cracked feet can be caused by being dirty. Cracked feet cause pain in the heels. If your feet are cracked for a long time, it can cause infection, pain in the feet, swelling in the feet, and daily movement is disrupted.

    There are many reasons for cracked feet: walking barefoot, standing for long periods of time, wearing tight shoes, working in dusty conditions, not drinking enough water. Excessive sweating of the feet, lack of vitamins A, C, and E. Cracked feet can also be caused by some diseases. For example, palmoplantar keratoderma is a type of genetic disease. If the patient has this problem, the skin becomes thick. Thick and thick skin becomes rough and hard for good reason, which cracks due to excessive dryness. Infection of the cracked areas can cause sores. Psoriasis is a type of skin disease. The prevalence of this disease increases in winter. In this disease, scaly spots appear on the hands and feet, itching, and skin peeling are the symptoms of the disease. If you have psoriasis on the palms of your hands and feet, the affected area cracks and red flesh appears. This cracking increases in winter. Psoriasis rubra pilaris is a genetic disease. Those who have this disease, their hands and feet become very dry in winter and their feet crack like psoriasis.

    Things to do to prevent cracked feet: The first and main condition for curing the problem of cracked feet is to keep the skin soft. So what you need to do during winter is not to walk barefoot. Wear comfortable soft shoes. Drink two and a half liters of water regularly (if there is no disease). Wash your feet regularly and use lotion or Vaseline on your feet while they are slightly wet. If your feet are cracked, rub them with a pumice stone or pumice stone to remove the dead skin and then massage with coconut oil. Try wearing cotton socks in the winter. This will keep your feet safe from cold, dust, and pollution. Take care of your feet once a week. Soaking your feet in half a bucket of lukewarm water with 1 pinch of salt for half an hour can provide great relief. Not only those who have cracked feet, but everyone can do this to keep their feet healthy. In addition, apply a mixture of equal amounts of glycerin and rose water to the cracked areas of your feet and leave it overnight. This will reduce cracked feet and pain. Glycerin keeps the skin soft. On the other hand, rose water contains vitamins A, B3, C, D, and E. It also contains antioxidants, antiseptics, and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Drink water according to the body’s needs. Dry skin increases problems like cracked feet. If the cracked feet problem does not reduce even after regular care, then consult a dermatologist.

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