Causes of headaches
Headaches occur for various reasons. There are two types – primary and secondary. Primary headaches are migraine, tension-type headaches, cluster headaches, etc. Secondary headaches are sinusitis, mastoiditis, glaucoma, stroke, head trauma, brain tumors, etc.
Treatment and Remedy: Treatment should be given according to the type or cause of the headache. For this, it is necessary to diagnose the disease. To get rid of migraine, you should sleep at a specific time every day. Sleep should be moderate. Do not work in excessive or low light, avoid harsh sunlight or extreme cold, do not stay in loud and noisy environments for long periods, and do not stay in front of computer monitors and TVs for long periods. When a migraine starts, you should drink water (if you are vomiting), rest. You can also get relief by wrapping a cold cloth around your head.
Migraine-preventing foods: Magnesium-rich foods, such as brown rice, potatoes and barley, are migraine-preventing. Various fruits, especially dates and figs, relieve pain. Regular consumption of green, yellow and orange vegetables is beneficial. Calcium and vitamin D help prevent migraines. Sesame seeds, flour and beets contain sufficient calcium. You can eat ginger pieces or juice mixed with ginger powder in water twice a day.
Foods to avoid: Tea, coffee and soft drinks. Chocolate, ice cream, yogurt, dairy products (milk, butter). Tomatoes and citrus fruits. Wheat-based foods, such as roti, pasta, bread etc. Apples, bananas and peanuts.
Home remedies: Headaches can often occur due to dehydration. Therefore, if you feel a headache, you should drink more water. Along with this, you should eat fresh fruit juices and water-rich foods. Those who eat adequate nutritious food at the right time have a lower risk of unnecessary headaches. The brain needs glucose to function properly, and if the necessary nutrients are not supplied to the brain on time, headaches occur. An adult needs 6 to 8 hours of sleep a day. Headaches can occur due to sleep problems and not getting enough sleep. Close your eyes and rest for some time between work. Dim the lights in the room and rest for some time by leaning on a chair or bed. Taking a bath with lukewarm water can provide relief. Pouring lukewarm water on the head, neck, and shoulders cools the muscles of the head and neck and reduces headaches. Laughter is very beneficial in relieving mild headaches. Endorphin hormones, which create a feeling of well-being, are released in the brain when you laugh. This helps reduce headaches. Breathing deeply helps relieve pain. Breathe in fresh air. Headaches will be reduced naturally. If you feel stressed, you can walk to an open area or do something that will help relieve stress.
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