Prices of goods are lower this time than last time: Home Affairs Advisor
Responding to a question from journalists whether a special campaign will be conducted to control the prices of goods during Ramadan like other years, Home Affairs Advisor Lieutenant General Md. Jahangir Alam Chowdhury (retd.) said, ‘You have to say or admit that this time the prices of goods are lower than last time. And if the prices of goods can be controlled even without conducting a campaign, that is even better.’
He said this while briefing journalists after visiting the Public Management Order barracks at Mirpur Police Lines in the capital on Sunday evening.
Regarding the bargain prices of daily commodities during Ramadan, the Home Affairs Advisor said, ‘Other religions reduce the prices of goods during their religious ceremonies. In Muslim countries in the Middle East, the prices of goods are also reduced during Ramadan. And in our country, the opposite happens. Traders increase the prices of goods during Ramadan. I would request traders not to increase the prices of goods at this time. The prices of goods are kept as low as possible this month, if this can be done, consumers will be able to afford it, they will get relief.’
Also, regarding the attack on two women in Lalmatia, Home Affairs Advisor Lieutenant General Md. Jahangir Alam Chowdhury (retd.) said, ‘As far as I know, they were smoking cigarettes, some people were going to offer prayers there. They (people) threw tea at them when they stopped them.’
He said, ‘Smoking in public places is a crime for both men and women. So I would like to request everyone not to smoke in open places. Everyone should be a little restrained during Ramadan. And our religious advisor has requested everyone not to eat outside during the day during Ramadan. If this can be done, the fasting people will be respected.’
Earlier, the advisor visited the Public Order Management (POM) barracks. He visited their residences and inspected the quality of food, especially various iftar items. He instructed senior police officials not to compromise on the quality of food.
Police personnel in the barracks were given more food than they were entitled to during Ramadan. The Home Affairs Advisor immediately informed the Energy Advisor about the problem of cooking due to insufficient pressure in the gas line of the kitchens of the barracks and also said that necessary measures should be taken to resolve the problem.
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